For proper data rectification and to find your time in seconds, please provide (whatever is applicable):
1/ Health (please provide full date or at least month and year)
- Operation
- Start of disease
- Accident
2/ Partnership (please provide status of relationship; for other items full date or at least month and year)
- First love experience
- First sexual contact
- Marriage or partnership
- Break up
- Divorce
3/ Job (please provide full date or at least month and year)
- Signed contract
- Promotion
- Last working day
- Retirement
4/ Relatives (if applicable, please provide separate data for each close relatives -- like mother, father, brothers, sisters, children, partner – with name, birth data or at least month and year)
- Birth date
- Date of death
- Accident
- Any specific event
5/ Education (please provide data, full date or at least month and year)
- Degree of education (like BA, MA; Phd etc...)
- Start of education
- Type of education
- Diploma
6/ Traveling (please provide destination, full date or at least month and year)
- Long travel
- Start of Travel
- Arrived home
7/ Housing (please provide full date or at least month and year)
- Bought apartment or house or property
- Sold apartment or house or property
- Relocation
8/ Business (please provide name, full date or at least month and year)
- Start
- Name of company
- Closure
9/ Legal problems (please provide full date or at least month and year)
- Arrest
- Judgment
- Release
10/ Finances (please provide full date or at least month and year)
- Big gain
- Big loss
- Bought something big
- Sold something big
11/ Spiritual (please provide full date or at least month and year)
- Start of spiritual journey
- Initiation(s)
- Special Experiences